The Alliance makes use of boats while the Horde uses Zeppelins. The Alliance can travel between ports at Darkshore, Theramore Island, Menethil Harbor and Azuremyst Isle. The Horde has Zeppelin ports which enables it to travel between: Undercity, Grom'Gol and Orgrimmar.
There are two classes in warcraft that gain travel forms. This can be a capability to shape shift right into a form allowing easier and faster movement from destination for a another. Shamans gain the opportunity to transform themselves into ghost wolves at level 20. This provides a traveling speed of 150% of their normal speed. Druids gain a travel form at
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that also offers a 150% traveling speed.
In warcraft, there are two sorts of transportation on hand: public and private modes of transportation. Public transport includes flight paths, boats, zeppelins, portals, transaction orbs, and trams.
Private transportation comprises a few more options including mounts, heart stones, teleportation, portals, summoning and druid travel forms. Walking from destination for a another is the most basic mode of transportation, but obviously the most time-consuming.
Public transit in wow is cracked into several basic modes: flights, boats and zeppelins, portals and translocation orbs, and also the deep run tram linking stormwind and ironforge. In order to fly in wow, you need to explore the earth in order to find flight paths.